Author. Advocate.
Inspirational Speaker.
“Dream Bigger than Your Biggest Challenge.”
-Taniya Faulk
Life will either break you or strengthen you. The choice is yours. Choose wisely…
“Can't" transforms into ‘can’ when we alter our inner narrative. Our past challenges are hidden reservoirs of unbelievable potential…and facing them head-on unveils our boundless inner strength.
Taniya’s story is more than inspirational; it serves as a trigger for transformation, motivating others to shatter the constraints they've placed on themselves. It urges everyone to dream—a dream larger than their biggest challenges. It's a call to action for those who seek not just to exist, but to truly live.

Available on Amazon: Perfectly Broken
Taniya was born with Osteogenesis Imperfecta (Brittle Bone Disease), a rare genetic disorder whose major identifying feature is bones that break easily. Fragility is coded in her DNA. She navigates a life where something as natural as sneeze carries the same risk as playing contact sports; a broken bone.
With over 100 broken bones and dozens of surgeries, Taniya quickly learns that breaking and falling apart are not mutually exclusive.
It’s a story of family, faith, hope and resilience. Taniya proves that perfect often looks messy and strength is found in moments we feel the most broken.
Guest Appearances.